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Mental Health Dashboard

Indicator Gauge Icon Legend

Legend Colors

Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.

Compared to Distribution

an indicator guage with the arrow in the green the value is in the best half of communities.

an indicator guage with the arrow in the yellow the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.

an indicator guage with the arrow in the red the value is in the worst quarter of communities.

Compared to Target

green circle with white tick inside it meets target; red circle with white cross inside it does not meet target.

Compared to a Single Value

green diamond with downward arrow inside it lower than the comparison value; red diamond with downward arrow inside it higher than the comparison value; blue diamond with downward arrow inside it not statistically different from comparison value.


green square outline with upward trending arrow inside it green square outline with downward trending arrow inside it non-significant change over time; green square with upward trending arrow inside it green square with downward trending arrow inside it significant change over time; blue square with equals sign no change over time.

Compared to Prior Value

green triangle with upward trending arrow inside it higher than the previous measurement period; green triangle with downward trending arrow inside it lower than the previous measurement period; blue equals sign no statistically different change  from previous measurement period.

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Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days

Compared to:

Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days

Compared to:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013319

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013319

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013319 has a value of 18.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013319 has a value of 18.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013319 has a value of 18.0% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013319 has a value of 18.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013320

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013320

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013320 has a value of 18.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013320 has a value of 18.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013320 has a value of 18.6% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013320 has a value of 18.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013321

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013321

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013321 has a value of 15.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013321 has a value of 15.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057013321 has a value of 15.2% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057013321 has a value of 15.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013322

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013322

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013322 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013322 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013322 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013322 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013323

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013323

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013323 has a value of 17.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013323 has a value of 17.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013323 has a value of 17.6% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013323 has a value of 17.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013406

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013406

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013406 has a value of 21.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013406 has a value of 21.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013406 has a value of 21.9% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013406 has a value of 21.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013407

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013407

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013407 has a value of 13.2% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013407 has a value of 13.2% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013407 has a value of 13.2% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013407 has a value of 13.2% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013409

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013409

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013409 has a value of 17.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013409 has a value of 17.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013409 has a value of 17.0% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013409 has a value of 17.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013410

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013410

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013410 has a value of 19.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013410 has a value of 19.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013410 has a value of 19.2% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013410 has a value of 19.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013411

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013411

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013411 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013411 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013411 has a value of 16.0% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013411 has a value of 16.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013412

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013412

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013412 has a value of 17.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013412 has a value of 17.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013412 has a value of 17.0% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013412 has a value of 17.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013413

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013413

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013413 has a value of 15.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013413 has a value of 15.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013413 has a value of 15.0% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013413 has a value of 15.0% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013414

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013414

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013414 has a value of 13.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013414 has a value of 13.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013414 has a value of 13.9% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013414 has a value of 13.9% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013415

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013415

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013415 has a value of 14.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013415 has a value of 14.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013415 has a value of 14.3% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013415 has a value of 14.3% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013501

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013501

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013501 has a value of 19.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013501 has a value of 19.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013501 has a value of 19.7% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013501 has a value of 19.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013503

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013503

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013503 has a value of 20.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013503 has a value of 20.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013503 has a value of 20.1% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013503 has a value of 20.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013504

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013504

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013504 has a value of 17.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013504 has a value of 17.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013504 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013504 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013505

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013505

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013505 has a value of 18.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013505 has a value of 18.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013505 has a value of 18.4% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013505 has a value of 18.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013602

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013602

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013602 has a value of 21.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013602 has a value of 21.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013602 has a value of 21.6% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013602 has a value of 21.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013604

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013604

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013604 has a value of 21.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013604 has a value of 21.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013604 has a value of 21.6% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013604 has a value of 21.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013702

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013702

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013702 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013702 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013702 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013702 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013703

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013703

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013703 has a value of 19.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013703 has a value of 19.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013703 has a value of 19.2% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013703 has a value of 19.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013704

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013704

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013704 has a value of 16.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013704 has a value of 16.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057013704 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057013704 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013705

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013705

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013705 has a value of 18.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013705 has a value of 18.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013705 has a value of 18.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013705 has a value of 18.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013706

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013706

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013706 has a value of 21.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013706 has a value of 21.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013706 has a value of 21.4% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013706 has a value of 21.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013801

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013801

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013801 has a value of 22.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013801 has a value of 22.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013801 has a value of 22.4% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013801 has a value of 22.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013802

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013802

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013802 has a value of 20.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013802 has a value of 20.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013802 has a value of 20.9% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013802 has a value of 20.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013803

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013803

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013803 has a value of 22.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013803 has a value of 22.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013803 has a value of 22.0% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013803 has a value of 22.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013804

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013804

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013804 has a value of 20.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013804 has a value of 20.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013804 has a value of 20.5% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013804 has a value of 20.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013806

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013806

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013806 has a value of 16.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013806 has a value of 16.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013806 has a value of 16.4% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013806 has a value of 16.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013807

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013807

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013807 has a value of 16.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013807 has a value of 16.7% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013807 has a value of 16.7% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013807 has a value of 16.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013903

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013903

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013903 has a value of 18.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013903 has a value of 18.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013903 has a value of 18.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013903 has a value of 18.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013907

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013907

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013907 has a value of 18.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013907 has a value of 18.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013907 has a value of 18.6% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013907 has a value of 18.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013908

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013908

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013908 has a value of 15.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013908 has a value of 15.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057013908 has a value of 15.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057013908 has a value of 15.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013912

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013912

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013912 has a value of 17.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013912 has a value of 17.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013912 has a value of 17.8% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013912 has a value of 17.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013913

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013913

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013913 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013913 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013913 has a value of 16.0% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013913 has a value of 16.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013914

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013914

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013914 has a value of 20.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013914 has a value of 20.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013914 has a value of 20.0% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013914 has a value of 20.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013915

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013915

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013915 has a value of 17.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013915 has a value of 17.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013915 has a value of 17.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013915 has a value of 17.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013916

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013916

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013916 has a value of 16.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013916 has a value of 16.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013916 has a value of 16.8%.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013916 has a value of 16.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013917

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013917

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013917 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013917 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013917 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013917 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013918

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013918

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013918 has a value of 17.9% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013918 has a value of 17.9% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013918 has a value of 17.9% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013918 has a value of 17.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013919

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013919

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013919 has a value of 17.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013919 has a value of 17.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013919 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013919 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013920

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013920

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013920 has a value of 16.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013920 has a value of 16.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057013920 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057013920 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013921

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013921

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013921 has a value of 12.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013921 has a value of 12.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057013921 has a value of 12.5% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057013921 has a value of 12.5% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013922

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013922

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013922 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013922 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013922 has a value of 16.1% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013922 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013923

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013923

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013923 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013923 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013923 has a value of 16.0% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013923 has a value of 16.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013924

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013924

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013924 has a value of 15.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013924 has a value of 15.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013924 has a value of 15.3% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013924 has a value of 15.3% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013925

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013925

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013925 has a value of 16.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013925 has a value of 16.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013925 has a value of 16.5% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013925 has a value of 16.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013926

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057013926

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057013926 has a value of 15.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057013926 has a value of 15.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057013926 has a value of 15.5% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057013926 has a value of 15.5% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014002

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014002

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014002 has a value of 16.2% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014002 has a value of 16.2% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014002 has a value of 16.2% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014002 has a value of 16.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014003

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014003

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014003 has a value of 11.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014003 has a value of 11.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014003 has a value of 11.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014003 has a value of 11.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014007

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014007

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014007 has a value of 18.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014007 has a value of 18.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014007 has a value of 18.1% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014007 has a value of 18.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014008

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014008

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014008 has a value of 9.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014008 has a value of 9.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014008 has a value of 9.3% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014008 has a value of 9.3% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014009

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014009

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014009 has a value of 10.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014009 has a value of 10.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014009 has a value of 10.1% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014009 has a value of 10.1% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014010

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014010

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014010 has a value of 11.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014010 has a value of 11.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014010 has a value of 11.1% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014010 has a value of 11.1% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014011

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014011

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014011 has a value of 10.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014011 has a value of 10.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014011 has a value of 10.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014011 has a value of 10.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014012

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014012

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014012 has a value of 9.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014012 has a value of 9.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014012 has a value of 9.6% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014012 has a value of 9.6% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014013

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014013

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014013 has a value of 23.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014013 has a value of 23.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014013 has a value of 23.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014013 has a value of 23.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014014

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014014

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014014 has a value of 9.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014014 has a value of 9.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014014 has a value of 9.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014014 has a value of 9.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014015

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014015

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014015 has a value of 9.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014015 has a value of 9.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057014015 has a value of 9.3% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057014015 has a value of 9.3% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014016

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014016

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014016 has a value of 7.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014016 has a value of 7.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (14.8%), 12057014016 has a value of 7.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12057014016 has a value of 7.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014017

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014017

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014017 has a value of 8.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014017 has a value of 8.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014017 has a value of 8.1% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014017 has a value of 8.1% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014104

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014104

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014104 has a value of 14.2% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014104 has a value of 14.2% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014104 has a value of 14.2% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014104 has a value of 14.2% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014106

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014106

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014106 has a value of 15.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014106 has a value of 15.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014106 has a value of 15.4% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014106 has a value of 15.4% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014108

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014108

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014108 has a value of 20.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014108 has a value of 20.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014108 has a value of 20.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014108 has a value of 20.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014109

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014109

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014109 has a value of 17.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014109 has a value of 17.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014109 has a value of 17.4% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014109 has a value of 17.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014117

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014117

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014117 has a value of 12.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014117 has a value of 12.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014117 has a value of 12.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014117 has a value of 12.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014118

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014118

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014118 has a value of 12.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014118 has a value of 12.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014118 has a value of 12.4% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014118 has a value of 12.4% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014119

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014119

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014119 has a value of 14.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014119 has a value of 14.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014119 has a value of 14.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014119 has a value of 14.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014121

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014121

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014121 has a value of 15.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014121 has a value of 15.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014121 has a value of 15.9% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014121 has a value of 15.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014122

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014122

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014122 has a value of 18.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014122 has a value of 18.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014122 has a value of 18.0% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014122 has a value of 18.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014200

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014200

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014200 has a value of 20.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014200 has a value of 20.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014200 has a value of 20.3% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014200 has a value of 20.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014300

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014300

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014300 has a value of 17.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014300 has a value of 17.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014300 has a value of 17.8% which is higher and worse.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014300 has a value of 17.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014400

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057014400

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057014400 has a value of 15.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057014400 has a value of 15.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057014400 has a value of 15.8% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057014400 has a value of 15.8%.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057980400

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12057980400

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12057980400 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12057980400 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Hillsborough, FL County Value (16.8%), 12057980400 has a value of 16.1% which is lower and better.
Hillsborough, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Hillsborough County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12057980400 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030101

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030101

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030101 has a value of 19.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030101 has a value of 19.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030101 has a value of 19.1% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030101 has a value of 19.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030102

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030102

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030102 has a value of 17.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030102 has a value of 17.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030102 has a value of 17.3% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030102 has a value of 17.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030202

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030202

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030202 has a value of 16.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030202 has a value of 16.3% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030202 has a value of 16.3% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030202 has a value of 16.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030203

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030203

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030203 has a value of 14.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030203 has a value of 14.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030203 has a value of 14.1% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030203 has a value of 14.1% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030204

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030204

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030204 has a value of 18.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030204 has a value of 18.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030204 has a value of 18.4% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030204 has a value of 18.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030205

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030205

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030205 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030205 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030205 has a value of 16.1% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030205 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030301

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030301

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030301 has a value of 15.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030301 has a value of 15.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101030301 has a value of 15.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101030301 has a value of 15.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030302

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030302

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030302 has a value of 13.7% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030302 has a value of 13.7% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101030302 has a value of 13.7% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101030302 has a value of 13.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030303

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030303

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030303 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030303 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030303 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030303 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030304

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030304

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030304 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030304 has a value of 16.0% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030304 has a value of 16.0% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030304 has a value of 16.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030404

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030404

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030404 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030404 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030404 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030404 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030405

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030405

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030405 has a value of 20.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030405 has a value of 20.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030405 has a value of 20.1% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030405 has a value of 20.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030406

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030406

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030406 has a value of 19.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030406 has a value of 19.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030406 has a value of 19.3% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030406 has a value of 19.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030407

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030407

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030407 has a value of 20.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030407 has a value of 20.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030407 has a value of 20.4% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030407 has a value of 20.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030408

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030408

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030408 has a value of 20.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030408 has a value of 20.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030408 has a value of 20.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030408 has a value of 20.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030409

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030409

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030409 has a value of 19.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030409 has a value of 19.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030409 has a value of 19.4% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030409 has a value of 19.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030410

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030410

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030410 has a value of 20.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030410 has a value of 20.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030410 has a value of 20.1% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030410 has a value of 20.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030411

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030411

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030411 has a value of 20.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030411 has a value of 20.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030411 has a value of 20.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030411 has a value of 20.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030412

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030412

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030412 has a value of 22.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030412 has a value of 22.3% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030412 has a value of 22.3% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030412 has a value of 22.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030501

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030501

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030501 has a value of 20.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030501 has a value of 20.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030501 has a value of 20.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030501 has a value of 20.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030502

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030502

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030502 has a value of 21.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030502 has a value of 21.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030502 has a value of 21.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030502 has a value of 21.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030601

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030601

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030601 has a value of 18.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030601 has a value of 18.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030601 has a value of 18.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030601 has a value of 18.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030602

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030602

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030602 has a value of 23.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030602 has a value of 23.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030602 has a value of 23.0% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030602 has a value of 23.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030700

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030700

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030700 has a value of 21.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030700 has a value of 21.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030700 has a value of 21.2% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030700 has a value of 21.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030800

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030800

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030800 has a value of 19.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030800 has a value of 19.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030800 has a value of 19.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030800 has a value of 19.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030901

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030901

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030901 has a value of 18.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030901 has a value of 18.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030901 has a value of 18.0% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030901 has a value of 18.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030903

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030903

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030903 has a value of 16.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030903 has a value of 16.3% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101030903 has a value of 16.3% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101030903 has a value of 16.3% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030904

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030904

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030904 has a value of 16.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030904 has a value of 16.6% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101030904 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101030904 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030905

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030905

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030905 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030905 has a value of 17.7% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030905 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030905 has a value of 17.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030906

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101030906

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101030906 has a value of 19.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101030906 has a value of 19.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101030906 has a value of 19.4% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101030906 has a value of 19.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031003

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031003

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031003 has a value of 19.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031003 has a value of 19.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031003 has a value of 19.2% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031003 has a value of 19.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031005

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031005

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031005 has a value of 22.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031005 has a value of 22.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031005 has a value of 22.0% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031005 has a value of 22.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031006

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031006

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031006 has a value of 25.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031006 has a value of 25.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031006 has a value of 25.2% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031006 has a value of 25.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031007

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031007

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031007 has a value of 22.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031007 has a value of 22.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031007 has a value of 22.0% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031007 has a value of 22.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031008

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031008

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031008 has a value of 19.0% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031008 has a value of 19.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031008 has a value of 19.0% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031008 has a value of 19.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031009

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031009

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031009 has a value of 21.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031009 has a value of 21.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031009 has a value of 21.7% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031009 has a value of 21.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031010

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031010

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031010 has a value of 19.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031010 has a value of 19.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031010 has a value of 19.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031010 has a value of 19.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031011

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031011

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031011 has a value of 17.9% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031011 has a value of 17.9% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031011 has a value of 17.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031011 has a value of 17.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031012

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031012

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031012 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031012 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031012 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031012 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031013

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031013

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031013 has a value of 21.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031013 has a value of 21.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031013 has a value of 21.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031013 has a value of 21.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031014

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031014

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031014 has a value of 18.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031014 has a value of 18.9% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031014 has a value of 18.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031014 has a value of 18.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031101

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031101

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031101 has a value of 17.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031101 has a value of 17.4% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031101 has a value of 17.4% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031101 has a value of 17.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031102

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031102

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031102 has a value of 13.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031102 has a value of 13.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101031102 has a value of 13.9% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101031102 has a value of 13.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031103

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031103

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031103 has a value of 14.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031103 has a value of 14.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031103 has a value of 14.5% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031103 has a value of 14.5% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031104

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031104

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031104 has a value of 16.9% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031104 has a value of 16.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031104 has a value of 16.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031104 has a value of 16.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031203

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031203

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031203 has a value of 14.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031203 has a value of 14.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031203 has a value of 14.8% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031203 has a value of 14.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031204

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031204

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031204 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031204 has a value of 16.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031204 has a value of 16.1% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031204 has a value of 16.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031205

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031205

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031205 has a value of 18.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031205 has a value of 18.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031205 has a value of 18.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031205 has a value of 18.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031206

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031206

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031206 has a value of 21.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031206 has a value of 21.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031206 has a value of 21.7% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031206 has a value of 21.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031207

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031207

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031207 has a value of 19.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031207 has a value of 19.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031207 has a value of 19.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031207 has a value of 19.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031208

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031208

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031208 has a value of 17.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031208 has a value of 17.2% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031208 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031208 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031301

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031301

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031301 has a value of 16.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031301 has a value of 16.4% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031301 has a value of 16.4% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031301 has a value of 16.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031302

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031302

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031302 has a value of 16.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031302 has a value of 16.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031302 has a value of 16.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031302 has a value of 16.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031401

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031401

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031401 has a value of 20.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031401 has a value of 20.8% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031401 has a value of 20.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031401 has a value of 20.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031404

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031404

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031404 has a value of 19.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031404 has a value of 19.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031404 has a value of 19.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031404 has a value of 19.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031405

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031405

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031405 has a value of 19.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031405 has a value of 19.7% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101031405 has a value of 19.7% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101031405 has a value of 19.7% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031406

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031406

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031406 has a value of 16.8% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031406 has a value of 16.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031406 has a value of 16.8% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031406 has a value of 16.8% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031407

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031407

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031407 has a value of 18.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031407 has a value of 18.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031407 has a value of 18.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031407 has a value of 18.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031408

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031408

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031408 has a value of 14.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031408 has a value of 14.1% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101031408 has a value of 14.1% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101031408 has a value of 14.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031409

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031409

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031409 has a value of 17.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.1% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 17.0%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 4,165 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031409 has a value of 17.2% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 15.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.9%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,332 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (15.1%), 12101031409 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (13.5%), 12101031409 has a value of 17.2% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031410

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031410

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031410 has a value of 20.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031410 has a value of 20.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031410 has a value of 20.4% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031410 has a value of 20.4% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031411

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031411

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031411 has a value of 16.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031411 has a value of 16.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031411 has a value of 16.5%.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031411 has a value of 16.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031412

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031412

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031412 has a value of 19.1% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031412 has a value of 19.1% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031412 has a value of 19.1% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031412 has a value of 19.1% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031503

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031503

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031503 has a value of 18.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031503 has a value of 18.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031503 has a value of 18.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031503 has a value of 18.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031504

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031504

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031504 has a value of 14.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031504 has a value of 14.8% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031504 has a value of 14.8% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031504 has a value of 14.8% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031505

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031505

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031505 has a value of 19.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031505 has a value of 19.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031505 has a value of 19.9% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031505 has a value of 19.9% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031506

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031506

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031506 has a value of 20.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031506 has a value of 20.5% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031506 has a value of 20.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031506 has a value of 20.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031507

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031507

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031507 has a value of 16.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031507 has a value of 16.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031507 has a value of 16.5%.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031507 has a value of 16.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031508

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031508

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031508 has a value of 17.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031508 has a value of 17.0% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031508 has a value of 17.0% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031508 has a value of 17.0% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031601

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031601

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031601 has a value of 13.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031601 has a value of 13.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031601 has a value of 13.9% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031601 has a value of 13.9% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031602

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031602

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031602 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031602 has a value of 16.6% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031602 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031602 has a value of 16.6% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031603

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031603

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031603 has a value of 15.7% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031603 has a value of 15.7% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031603 has a value of 15.7% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031603 has a value of 15.7% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031604

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031604

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031604 has a value of 17.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031604 has a value of 17.5% which is in the 2nd worst quartile of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031604 has a value of 17.5% which is higher and worse.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031604 has a value of 17.5% which is higher and worse.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031605

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031605

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031605 has a value of 14.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031605 has a value of 14.9% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031605 has a value of 14.9% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031605 has a value of 14.9% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031701

Current Value:

Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days Census Tract: 12101031701

Compared to:
Compared to FL Census Tracts, 12101031701 has a value of 15.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.6% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 18.8%.
FL Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 5,077 Florida census tracts.
Compared to U.S. Census Tracts, 12101031701 has a value of 15.5% which is in the best 50% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 16.9% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 19.2%.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,646 U.S. census tracts.
Compared to the Pasco, FL County Value (16.5%), 12101031701 has a value of 15.5% which is lower and better.
Pasco, FL County Value
The regional value is compared to the Pasco County value.
Compared to the US Value (15.8%), 12101031701 has a value of 15.5% which is lower and better.
US Value
The regional value is compared to the national value.