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Summary Data for County: Polk


County: Polk


State: Florida 22,724,182 Persons

Percent Population Change: 2020 to 2024

County: Polk


State: Florida 5.51%

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Population by Race County: Polk State: Florida
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 453,415 55.90% 12,793,848 56.30%
Black/African American 119,635 14.75% 3,422,507 15.06%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 4,901 0.60% 104,193 0.46%
Asian 15,654 1.93% 702,094 3.09%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 571 0.07% 15,232 0.07%
Some Other Race 92,980 11.46% 1,749,823 7.70%
2+ Races 123,956 15.28% 3,936,485 17.32%
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Population by Ethnicity County: Polk State: Florida
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Hispanic/Latino 256,935 31.68% 6,342,625 27.91%
Non-Hispanic/Latino 554,177 68.32% 16,381,557 72.09%
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Population by Age Group County: Polk State: Florida
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
0-4 43,215 5.33% 1,058,499 4.66%
5-9 44,781 5.52% 1,111,880 4.89%
10-14 50,188 6.19% 1,239,892 5.46%
15-17 31,566 3.89% 792,515 3.49%
18-20 33,926 4.18% 884,289 3.89%
21-24 41,864 5.16% 1,094,295 4.82%
25-34 95,632 11.79% 2,646,569 11.65%
35-44 98,345 12.12% 2,756,008 12.13%
45-54 92,831 11.44% 2,699,663 11.88%
55-64 99,346 12.25% 3,049,732 13.42%
65-74 97,921 12.07% 2,981,549 13.12%
75-84 63,486 7.83% 1,799,433 7.92%
85+ 18,011 2.22% 609,858 2.68%
Population by Sex
Population by Sex County: Polk State: Florida
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 393,716 48.54% 11,027,237 48.53%
Female 417,396 51.46% 11,696,945 51.47%


County: Polk


State: Florida 9,019,295 Households


County: Polk


State: Florida 5,909,039 Families

Average Household Size

County: Polk


State: Florida 2.47 Persons

Households With Own Children

County: Polk

(26.06% of Households)

State: Florida 2,096,636 Households (23.25% of Households)

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Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity County: Polk State: Florida
Value Value
All $61,850 $69,226
White $66,327 $73,682
Black/African American $46,778 $52,040
American Indian/Alaskan Native $50,455 $59,286
Asian $71,724 $88,417
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $31,518 $65,431
Some Other Race $54,392 $58,247
2+ Races $61,351 $69,908
Hispanic/Latino $59,915 $63,458
Non-Hispanic/Latino $62,561 $71,098

Families Below Poverty

County: Polk

(11.36% of Families)

State: Florida 549,482 Families (9.30% of Families)

Families Below Poverty with Children

County: Polk

(7.81% of Families)

State: Florida 352,272 Families (5.96% of Families)

Housing Units

County: Polk

Housing units

State: Florida 10,381,212 Housing units

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Average Value

County: Polk


State: Florida $428,087

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Population 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Polk State: Florida
Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 29,958 5.30% 737,551 4.46%
Some High School, No Diploma 41,389 7.32% 1,022,295 6.18%
High School Grad 202,653 35.83% 4,624,314 27.95%
Some College, No Degree 118,549 20.96% 3,163,726 19.12%
Associate Degree 55,108 9.74% 1,651,966 9.99%
Bachelor's Degree 81,490 14.41% 3,331,781 20.14%
Master's Degree 26,666 4.71% 1,393,756 8.43%
Professional Degree 5,643 1.00% 394,654 2.39%
Doctorate Degree 4,116 0.73% 222,769 1.35%

Population 16+: Unemployed

County: Polk


State: Florida 5.35%

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.